
This Blog is Dedicated to...


The Don'ts During Pregnancy

1. Traveling with 2 & 3 wheels
- since i knew i am pregnant, no more motorcycle ride!

2. Eating chutney
- luckily i don't like chutney. but sometimes have it 2-3 pieces with nasi beriani.

3. Climbing high
- i don't like climbing.

4. Eating pickle
- erk? is asam boi a kinda pickle? in fact i dont like the preservative fruit like mangoes, etc. those yellow in the bottles.

5. Bending down with straight leg
- do it sometimes. lazy to bend my knees. hehe.

6. Drive (late pregnancy?)
- haha. if i'm not pregnant pun i will ask Abi to drive.

7. Eating outside
- duh! i can't even cook! Abi? jgn haraple... this is not reliable!

8. Over exert
- of course! muahahaha. bak kata ebi, rileks...

9. Carrying heavy weight
- i have to sometimes...

10. Long distance traveling
- luckily, office is just 5minutes from home.

11. Waking up suddenly with a jerk.
- i am trying to....

12. Eating spicy & over sweet food
- luckily i dont like those.

13. Sleeping flat turn to aside.
- i'm not sure what of my sleeping style.

hohoho. belum beranak lagi banyak pantang ke..