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Preschool Activity Ideas

One of the better approaches, when trying to think of preschool activities or preschool lessons for you and your child to do for home school activities, is that you dont get bogged down trying to be too structured. There is plenty of fun, educational, and informal preschool activities that you and your child can get involved in.


The top of the list when it comes to preschool activities and child learning would be reading. Getting the child involved early in learning to read, establishes good reading habits and a foundation that the child can learn from for a lifetime.


Learning to read for the child certainly doesnt have to limited to books. You should also include poetry, songs (while singing together); reading the boxes of their favorite toys, or anything that they are drawn to could be included in their homeschool preschool activities. Just be creative.


Preschool age is a wonderful learning time for the child. They are naturally full of wonderment and curiosity at the preschool age. Take advantage of this trait. Use everyday tasks around the house for learning activities. Sorting clothes by color for laundry, dishes by color or size, if you are doing some organizing around the house, use this opportunity to relate different shapes and sizes to your preschooler. When youre out and about in the world, always use this time as an educational moment. All the shapes sizes and colors you come across just at the grocery store alone make for a wonderful preschool activity. Its homeschooling and youre not in your home!


If, you run across a question you are unable to answer, dont just say that you arent sure or that you dont know and leave it at that. Take the opportunity to begin to instill another great learning skill into your child. That of looking something up for an answer to which you dont know. Even though the child cant search for the answer yet, they can, witness and be a part of this valuable information seeking procedure. I cant tell you what a valuable skill you will be instilling into your preschooler if you help them in developing this type of problem solving skill and attitude if you incorporate this into their daily preschool activities.


Preschool activities are limited only by your imagination.....child education is a wonderful experience, just relax, be informal, be creative.


Learning activities are indeed everywhere.


Author: Mary Joyce
Article Source: EzineArticles.com
Provided by: Canada duty

My Children Development at 27 Months and 13 Month

Hafiy is 27 month old. So he is 2 years old now. Lil Fahry is 13 month old and celebrated his first birthday last month.

Let's see how they are doing..

  • Recognizes some phonic sound but not so confident to 'spell' them correctly. He could recognize some simple words like CAT, FAT, MAT, HAT. However for longer words, e.g. BABY, he just could say "Beh... Ar... Beh.." which is very good for a 2 year old boy. Bravo!
  • Counting is still not very good. He knows the numbers 1-10, now in training to know 11-20, however he still can't count. If there are 3 objects, he'll keep on counting and counting 1,2,3,4,5,6.. even though they are only three items!
  • Arabic alphabet also just so-so. He knows some letters with their sound like Mim =Ma, Ba'=Ba, Dal=Da, Sin=Sa..
  • Could be count on to tidy up his belongings. Just give him some condition "You tidy up your toys and I'll give you milk".
  • Still fully breastfeeding.
  • Can say "Mommy!". Usually he only called me "Mi!"
  • Said his first word ="Car!".
  • Loves to point on object and talk in his language.
  • Broke his prosthesis and now living without one.
  • Got his cradle cap severe day by day. Ayyyooo! (Has been to several doctors and paed)
  • Likes to bit me. Adoii!
So now I use this blog to jot down their development and create another blog, to jot what I've been doing with them.


Happy New Year 2010

Today is already 3rd January 2010. I am reactivating this blog, to joy down my kids' development from day to day, week to week, month to month, year to year.

Today I am blessed, as Hafiy is now 27 months old and Fahry is 13 month old. Both of them are getting cheekier and develop their own personality, which are very head-aching LOL.

Happy new year everyone!